SINCE 1948
The story began in 1948 based on
the intuition of the founder,
Dorino Marabese, and the great
tradition of Italian craftsmanship.
Over time Pucci gradually became
one of the most important
Italian and international
manufacturers of toilet cisterns
and flush-plates for modern bathrooms,
thanks to their innovative, functional,
and often revolutionary products.
The subsequent andpresent managers
have guided the company to
its current standing,
including a long-sighted plan
for the future that always sustains
the spirit of our traditions.
Pucci's manufacturing philosophy is
perfectly in tune with
international trends, based on
close attention
to the emerging needs of
the public and installers,
the most useful and effective
technologies, environmental
sustainability, and prudent
use of our most precious
shared resource, clean water.
Times change, and Pucci changes
the bathroom. Man adapts
to change and is the protagonist
of habits and products that
evolve. Who would have said that
we would activate our
daily devices with a simple
“touch”? Pucci promotes
sustainability, as
confirmed by which
rewards eco® MATIC.
In questi tempi nei quali
il contatto umano è diventato
problematico, come anche
la condivisione di alcuni luoghi
e dispositivi, l’innovazione
Made in Pucci fa un altro passo
avanti sulla strada di una cassetta
ancora più intelligente: SARA Tronic
dotata di app
e programmabile
tramite smartphone.

Pucci is officially a Historic Brand of National Interest. It is not a point of arrival, even if the satisfaction is great, but a new starting point in a crucial moment for our country.
An all-Italian story